The ABC Fund has deployed EUR 4.21 million to agribusinesses in Benin, Mali and Uganda as well as a microfinance institution in Nigeria. These investments aim at improving the incomes and livelihoods of smallholder farmers with a focus on women and young people.
Africa Négoce Industries is a raw cashew nut processor based in Benin. Promo Fruits is one of the largest pineapple juice processors in Benin. Groupe Diakhate is a poultry feed manufacturer based in Mali. Matale Hill Brothers Ltd is a company based in Uganda involved in the secondary processing of coffee. Grace and Mercy is a non-bank microfinance institution based in Nigeria that addresses the financial needs of economically disadvantaged and marginalized women engaged in small trading and micro-productive activities.
The ABC Fund has so far cumulatively invested a total of EUR 43 million investments in 11 countries in Africa and Latin America.