Bai-Tushum Bank promotes the social and economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic by providing access to a wide range of banking services and innovative financial solutions for businesses and agricultural producers to ensure their stable growth. With a strong reputation in the market to comprehensively serve the «missing middle», Bai Tushum Bank serves its growing client base through a diversified product offering. The Bank strives to build a sustainable profitable financial institution, meeting the interests of its clients, partners, employees, and stakeholders.
«Bai – Tushum» Bank closed joint-stock company has been working in the finance market since 2000, having begun in 1997 as the international project within the “Food for Progress” monetization program, through funding and support from USAID, ACDI/VOCA, and Caritas Switzerland. Over the past 15 years, the company transformed from a registered microcredit Agency (MCA) to a licensed microfinance company (MFC), to a deposit-taking MFI and is now the first MFI to receive in 2012 a full banking license in Kyrgyzstan. Bai Tushum is today one of the leading providers of Micro and SME financing in Kyrgyzstan.