The Agri-Business Capital (‘ABC Fund’) has provided loans to three agri- businesses to support their working capital needs and expansion, enabling higher rural employment and securing market access for farmers in their respective sectors. The two loans in the mango sector enable the provision of financing to SMEs that usually do not have access to local finance, with financial institutions being reluctant to finance the mango activity due to the short harvest season, lasting only 3-4 months a year.
- Kaworo, based in Burkina Faso, produces grains and seeds for local sale and aims to create jobs through the development of agricultural activities.
- Etablissement Yaffa & Frères, a mango exporter, based in Mali, aims to increase sales and employment of farmers.
- ROCFED, an exporter of mangos based in Côte d’Ivoire, will buy from more aggregators and producers